How To Care For Stone Benchtops

Stone benchtops are not only looking unique and classy, but it also adds a modern feel to your kitchen. Stone benchtops are durable and versatile without any doubts, but they need proper maintenance and care to help them last longer. These benchtops are prone to scratches and damage which can be a bummer in the decor of your kitchen. When we discuss the maintenance and care for cheap stone benchtops, they are certainly not rocket science. Read on to know more about some basic tips to help keep your benchtop in good condition for the long haul.

Marble care

Marble benchtops are delicate and fragile which need proper care. They are prone to scratches and stains and should be cleaned with hot water and clean cloth on a routine basis. Use mats to cover the marble tops to prevent it from staining and in case you observe a stain, wash it immediately with hot water or detergent water and cloth. Soap water can deteriorate the quality of the stone so avoid using it in any form.

Granite care

Granite is a durable material that requires minimal care to help it last longer, and unlike marble, soap is not harmful to granite. Granite experts in cleaning or hot soapy water along with a clean cloth make the perfect cleaning kit for granites. Steel scrubs can also be used to clean the food scraps or other stains from the benchtop. Granite is heat and scratch resistant which makes a wonderful benchtop option for people with kids and pets. Hot utensils can be placed directly on it but hot saucepans or heavier utensils can crack the surface, so be cautious. Oil stains the surface so avoid any contact.

Caesarstone care

One of the most popular quartz materials, Caesarstone benchtops provides the best quality and numerous designs at affordable prices. It requires minimal maintenance, and for regular cleaning purposes, soapy water and a clean cloth can be used. In case of any solid food residue or any other debris, scraping it with a sharp instrument like knife followed by a thorough cleaning with detergent water and damp cloth seems to be a helpful trick to clean the surface. Its surface is shiny and glossy, so it doesn’t need any polishing or sealing. Like Pacific quartz, chemical solvents are the biggest enemies of Caesarstone therefore only mild detergents and solved can be used for cleaning purposes.


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